Sunday, January 27, 2008
Lunch is what makes life worth living.
Stu also made the dean's list in school again! Congrats honey! To this day he still amazes me. He's now getting through classes that are difficult and that he doesn't know a lot about with straight A's! He's also taking three classes at once now, he's so busy! Bless him. I really do admire his ambition and determination.
Ryn's also working on a science project for school. (Photos coming soon.) We stood outside of Walmart yesterday for about an hour and a half, in the cold (brrr), to perform a taste test between sodas. We covered each bottle with different color paper. Even though it was cold, it was fun. For a while I didn't think anyone would stop. But, we had about 10 people try it out. There was a lot of talking and giggles. Since Stu is taking psychology this semester, he's been very helpful.
We even chatted with a lady who did the test, since she stopped on her way out to have a cigarette. I complimented her scarf, which was crocheted and she showed me the hat under her hoodie which was also crocheted. I mentioned that I knit and crochet, then Stu pointed out that I made the hat he was wearing. That was cool. It makes me giddy that he loves that hat.
Well, time to finish cleaning and get all pretty for my date with my honey!
Now Playing:
Satellite - Guster
P.S. I've switched online radio. I'm now listening to The stations are more customizable. The volume seems to vary between songs, but hopefully that'll improve. I've given feedback on it and with any luck, lots of other people have too.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Star Wars!
I've also found another little jewel to make my days a little brighter... it's called Pandora. It's a free online music website. You can listen for free from your computer. They also have other services that you pay for, like loading to a cell phone and such. It's pretty user friendly too. You can only skip a certain amount of songs in an hour and can't choose to listen to a specific song or rewind. But, hey it's free. You also create your own stations by using what they call "seeds" by entering an artist or specific songs. The site then plays songs with similar sound qualities. You can also vote on each song that plays to better tune your station. Pretty nifty.
Now Playing:
Without My Clothes - William Walter & Co.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
I'm also thinking of calling Gail, who I used to work with and inviting her as well. I miss her.
Now Playing:
Friday, January 11, 2008
Yarn, coffee and destruction.
Shirley (left) has nicknamed me "the knitting lady", she didn't know my name up until last night. I like it though, makes me feel a bit unique and memorable. I've also told Shirley about the Snuggles Project. She doesn't knit or crochet, but was really interested in donating some towels or blankets. Scott (right), I've only seen him there twice, I think he's new. I don't know him very well, but he always provides great service. I offered for him to be in the picture if he liked, because everyone enjoys being included, right?
Peachy has starting doing knit, crochet and needlepoint activities for the eldery of the facility she works in. I was very excited to hear about it and that it's going so well! She has about 10 people seriously interested and a few have even already finished projects! (I think she started about two weeks ago.) She holds the activities every Saturday and invited me to join her and share my knit and crochet expertise with her residents. What a compliment, it made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I'll have to see if I can make it out there once or twice a month.
The following is a picture of the needlepoint kits I donated for their activities. I got them along with a HUGE stash of pattern books and yarn that an old friend's mom gave to me. Well, I don't do needlepoint, I don't have the patience for it. If I work for countless hours on something, it better be bigger than a loaf of bread!
In other news...
Stu has now made the decision to become a super-secret-space-captain-of-a-ship-shoot'em-up-trooper-man. All this after being an assasin. I think he wants to take over the world.
This weeks video game selection is Mass Effect and... well, there aren't any others. So you'll just have to look at this one. Stu LOVES it! Last week he played Assasins Creed. He really liked that one too, but prefers this one. I personally found watching him play Assisins Creed while crocheting more entertaining.
Well, I still have yet to watch Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me with Stu and I'm already tired...
Cut! Print! That's a wrap!
The fru-fru coffee alternative!
Then, when I got home, I remembered I still had some sugar-free flavor syrup from when I tried to make my own creamer, that didn't work so well. The syrup is Torani, you can usually find them in the grocery store. So, anyhow, my favorite CoffeeMate creamer is the cinnamon vanilla creme. I took the leftover vanilla syrup and added some cinnamon extract to taste and VOILA! Coffee flavor with no calories and no creamer! I've got it in my coffee this morning and I'm lovin' it!!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Is it Friday yet?
My cousin crocheting a baby blanket for her sister.
I love this coffeehouse. It's so homey! Yeah, it's got polished concrete floors... but I think that's so rad!
With Stu's birthday this month, our one year anniversary, mom's birthday and Ashley's baby shower all next month it doesn't feel like the holiday rush is over yet... such is life. But, it's all good, being busy has it's benefits. I get do to lots of fun stuff!
So, with all that said, I will leave you with some pastry entertainment...
The toaster pastry Stu made for Ryn. He could eventually decorate cakes, I think. He's getting good at this!
This is the pastry Stu made for himself... don't ask.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
Although, I am happy about my first completed project in 2008...
I finished this hat on Saturday, December 29th. We had stayed at my parents' Friday night and Stu went ice fishing with dad... pretty much all day. *sigh* So, anyway, I had laid down for a bit being that I had a headache. Mom came to wake me because the guys were home. Before I even made it upstairs, Stu had found his hat, put it on and was back out the door to help Dad unload the truck. Feels pretty good when someone steals what you've made them before you've even had a chance to present it to them.
In other news... I wish winter was over. All these pewpy, gloomy skies and being dark before six o'clock is draining my energy. I like winter, but I'm ready for some spring breeze and sunshine. We are mammals after all and winter envokes the urge to hibernate and stock up on body energy, i.e. sleep life away and be a big piggy... Oh, please, let's not go there, I haven't been a very disciplined little piggy over the holidays.
I'm off to work on Polly's afghan. Until next time...