I'll share my mom's recipe if you'd like to try it...
Dorito Casserole
2 bags Dortitos, crushed (I only use one family size bag)
2 large cans Nalley chili (I like to use con carne)
1 large can tomato sauce
1 packet taco seasoning (mixed in tomato sauce)
shredded cheddar cheese
Combine all ingredients EXCEPT cheese in a cake pan. Bake @ 350 degrees for 1/2 and hour. Sprinkle with cheese and bake until cheese is melted.
Stu and I went on a date last weekend. I really had fun, I love going out with my honey!

We had lunch in the Gateway food court. I had the cheese on a stick , fries and a sugar free lemonade from Hot Dog on a Stick.

Stu had the beef and shrimp from Edo Japan. Oh, and a cheese on a stick and a lime-ade from Hot Dog on a Stick. (Notice the empty stick in his food on the left?)
Then we went to a space station...

Stu is such a rebel!
And onto gawk at something that would be in Willy Wonka's nightmares-- a fantastic machine with no candy!

Newton's Daydream. You HAVE to check out the pictures of this amazing machine here!
Afterwards we rocketed to the moon...

Here's my darling fiance... on the moon!
Then jetted over to Mars...

Here I was running from tiny monsters, but trying to smile for the picture.
And of course, we had to stop by the universe's gift shop...

I think I may start taking pictures of pink things I come across in my travels. I've started a collection of photos here.

I just liked the colors on this box.

Stu really wants this.
Okay, okay, this isn't space, we actually went to the Clark Planetarium in downtown Salt Lake City.
I finally went to the dentist on Thursday. This was my first time in nine years! I know, that's awful. I only got a cleaning on the right side to begin with. This is because the bad news I recieved is that I have periodontal disease (which is most likely hereditary) and have some bone loss, so the hygenist had to do a gum cleaning too. Good news is that she told me I have beautiful teeth and that I've taken really good care of them. So, as soon as my cleanings are all done and my one tiny cavity is filled, I'll be all set! I was SO relieved to hear all this. I was expecting much worse.
It might sound silly, but getting going to the dentist over with was a huge accomplishment to me. I was quite nervous considering I hadn't been in such a long time and was no longer accostumed to what a visit is like. Also, going to a new dentist is always a little nerve wracking. I got a pink toothbrush from the dentist office and bought myself a strawberry shake as a reward.

Chillin' at the coffeehouse, Thursday knit meeting.
And that's been my week. Hope you enjoyed it!
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