This last week I took a one week vacation!
Sunday, Stu took me to Red Butte Garden to have a picnic lunch of fried chicken, croissants, potato salad, oranges and raspberry tea. It was an awesome surprise. I took tons of pictures. They start here and you can just click the right picture in the little veiwer to the right on each picture page to go through them all. You can even use the little arrow on the viewer to scroll through them if you don't feel like looking at every picture.

Tuesday, Stu and I went to Lagoon. Sorry no pictures, just pure fun on our part! The Wicked (a ride) was the best!
Ryn and I did matching toe nails.

I bought a massaging cushion yesterday... This thing is wonderful. Although, I think it bruised the skin over one of my shoulder blades, maybe I need to just sit against it, instead of reclining (half laying down) on it. Stu hasn't reported any problems with it though.

I dyed my hair again now that the temporary color I did last month is pretty much gone. I went a little more natural than last time. I liked the darker red better. This is permanant, so I'll wait a while and go darker next dye.

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