by Guster
Sorry it's been a while. As you may or may not know, Stu has a very, very challenging class this term and needs quiet to do school work, so I haven't been able to play on my computer for a few weeks, which is why I blogged from my phone last time. But, we need pictures now, right? Right!!!
Okay, I have so many pictures, so I'm gonna try to make this a speed post... since I've spent nearly 2 hours getting my photos taken (a couple), uploaded and labeled on flickr, ugh.
We went on a shopping spree a couple weeks ago. It was Stu's idea, it was so fun. We each got a set amount of money to be spent on ourselves-- but you couldn't pick your own stuff, the others do! It was way fun!
Build-A-Bear...and Kitty

Here's my Hello Kitty that Ryn made. She has lots of pink, a cell phone and a chair. I made the camo bear for Stu. He even has bear briefs undies!

Here's the Bunny that Stu built for Ryn. Complete with puprle (her fave color) clothes, sunglasses and MP3 player.

Stu bought me this belly ring,
I also got lots of lotions, body wash and perfume!

I got a Konad nail stamping kit with tax return money... yay! It's so fun!

It's a crappy picture, but do not fret, there will be more!
"He has been chosen"... stand with Spock. My knitting group friend, Michelle, brought us all back a Toy Story alien from her Christmas trip to Disneyland. He's so cute!
Coffee Talk

I bought coffee for Stu at one of my knit meetings and forgot it there. This is what happens when you leave coffee with the ladies I knit with-- it expresses it's feelings. Haha! I love those ladies!

Ryn and I have been going to the library every Saturday, she even got her own card. I've been getting books and queuing lots of projects to
Ryn was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society!!!

I really wish the candlelight photos turned out better, but it was the best I could get.

Daughter Knits

Made by Ryn for herself. She's getting SO good at knitting!

Mommy/Daughter Art

Top two, painted by Ryn. Bottom painted by me, but I don't think he's done yet-- the wall behind him still needs some work.

Ding Dong!

This is on our doorbell... because I think it's funny.
Ladies and Gentleman... my new brother-in-law. This is That Baby's mom's new husband (or my younger sister, Ashley's, husband). While Ashley and I watched Friends, he just layed on the floor with one of those round squishy pillows of a frog on his face... so I took the opportunity. I thought it was funny.
I'm still knitting Stu's robe... it's getting there, slowly. I haven't taken any pictures because there's really nothing to see.
Until next time...