I got a new binder for my "junk", with a folder for family/personal stuff, one for knit and crochet patterns and notes and one for the knit and crochet group stuff. I even got a new pencil pouch for my cell phone headset and some new pens!

This is my new pink wallet! It's even got a place for my check book and pictures, which is nice because I used to have to carry my checkbook seperate from my wallet.

My new pink purse! It's washable canvas too, love that!
Ryn did her "end of the year" class dance performance this last week. I'll post a video at another time...Stu and Ryn after Ryn's end of the year dance performance.
My (and Peachy's) knit and crochet group (Salt Lake City Stitchers) is looking a bit more hopeful. We have a new attendee, Jennifer (from the Ravelry group), who has come two weeks in a row now. I'm pretty sure she intends to come every week. That makes me pretty happy. The following is some Salt Lake City Stitchers delight!

Peachy (left) is crocheting a baby blanket. Jennifer (right) is knitting a dishcloth.

My funny faced sister, Ashley, tagged along.
No pictures of me this week, I mostly put together my new binder and folders and cleaned out my knitting bag. I then worked on the bunny below for a little while.

There are new additions to my Think Pink! and Artsy Fartsy photo collections!
In needlework news...

I'm knitting myself a pink and red bookscarf with crochet thread and sock needles. It's a fun quick knit. Okay, so there is no Hogwart's house who's colors are pink and red, but I love this little bookmark scarf!

Here's the beginnings of a bunny I'm making for my niece, Danika.
I'll be working on Polly's afghan today and maybe tomorrow (Memorial Day) after I finish my bookscarf, which is VERY close to being done! Squeeee! I love tiny and fast projects... instant gratification! Ahhhhh.
I have some videos to post as well, but I will need to upload them another time. There is a particularly funny dinner video... you'll love it!
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