I'm going to try and squeeze a whole lotta holiday into a small post. I spent most of the day today trying to straighten out the mess I made with opening and deleting a bunch of e-mail and etsy accounts, adding and swapping e-mail addresses on other accounts I have tied with my e-mails, just to get an etsy username that will work for me. I dunno why they can't figure out some way for you to either change your name or delete and register again with the same e-mail account. Ugh. But, I think I have everything straightened out now. But, I also spent a lot of time labeling and captioning my photos on my flickr.com accounts. It's getting late, I'm getting tired. So, maybe we'll have a picture book story post! Yay!!!

Polly's bedspread. It's finally done!!! We gave it to her December 27, 2008. She says this is something she will pass down in her family. I'm SO honored!

"Room for rent."
Stu once said that the bedspread was getting so big that we'd have to charge it rent. Now that it's usual space behind the door is empty, it's weird.

The Peanut got her Peanut for Christmas. Pattern published on Ravelry and you can find the free pattern here.

We got Danika a Playskool Busy Ball Popper toy for Christmas, she loved it... for a little bit anyway. She eventually expressed that she'd had enough.
I have video of her opening a gift and playing with the one we got her, but Blogger won't load them, just chews them up and spits them out AND squishes all my post code into one lump, grrr. I'll try to post them again later.
You can also see more pictures of Danika opening gifts and playing starting here. (Photo browser to the right after the jump.)

The candies I crocheted went on our Christmas tree. Mom saw them when they visited and said I needed to make some for her tree now, haha.

I made this in secret for Ryn for Christmas. I was up until after midnight into Christmas morning to finish it!

I did an overlapping back so the pillow cover can be easily removed for washing without having to put in buttons or zippers. The k2, p2 ribbing helps the edges lie flat and gives it a cute touch.
I told her I can wash it to help it lie flatter and tighten up a bit, but she doesn't want me to take it back now, haha.

Ryn requested a pink and blue bookscarf. So, she got one today, only took me two days.
I gotta tell ya, (Miss Polly, I love you and loved making that bedspread for you, but) now that I'm done with the bedspread... I feel like I have my super speedy crafting powers back. I feel like I'm zooming through projects and getting so much done. It feels really good.

Man I've done a ton of baking since my last post! (Clickable for larger view.)
(L to R) Baked apples with brown sugar glaze just because. Cinnamon rolls baked Christmas morning (I took a shortcut with frozen dinner roll dough, definitely recommend it if your pressed for time, they're still delicious!), a pumpkin roll for Dad (he did us a huge favor), Gingerbread cookies (this is the second try, the first dough was unmanagably sticky, even after adding a ton of flour, this recipe still needs some tweaking though, needs to be sweeter. My royal icing turned out perfect though!), Stu and Ryn got their own special gingerbread cookies.

We had a great time at my office Christmas dinner! Complete with butter balls...

Christy crocheted this blanket/wrap for her daughter. She was so excited she showed everyone in the office, it was so cute!

I know you've already seen the ornaments, but you just gotta see the whole tree... complete with teddy bear topper, which Stu found on my computer desk. See, the candies and what was in the tote with the tree were the only things that went on the tree. We had all voted that it was too cold to get the rest of the tree decorations from the storage closet outside. But, I think it turned out pretty beatiful!

I ended up with Jazz tickets from the white elephant gift exchange at my office. I stole them on the last steal!!!

Our Christmas morning present opening starts here. (Photo browser to the right after the jump.)

My Dad made me this ring for Christmas.

...and we got dumped on Christmas day night! This is what we woke up to the day after.

Stu got a World of Warcraft boardgame with his Christmas money and Ryn and I hope to learn... sounds complicated, hope it's not too hard for me.
Well, it's the last day of Christmas vacation and it's past my bedtime. This small post turned into a monster and I hope you enjoyed it. =)
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