Ahhhh! It's a spider!!!-- Oh... a three legged, crocheted spider. Not so scary. (Waving the disembodied legs at Stu still makes his skin crawl though.) This little(ish) guy will be displayed in our house next Halloween along with a crocheted web. I started him the day before Halloween and didn't finish in time. So, know I work on him every Sunday (which I know have dubbed Holiday Crochet Sunday!) I will work on something for our house pertaining to the different holidays every Sunday. This way I don't need to spend a ton of money on decorations. It may take a good long time to build a good decoration collection, but it'll be so fun!
I'm nearly done with Mom's sweater. I ran out of yarn last night just as I finished the last sleeve. So, I need to buy a whole skein of yarn for sewing yarn and neck ribbing-- go figure, huh? But anyway, that means I got to start this-- (which makes Stu really happy!)
A robe for Stu!
I'm using this pattern--
It's the closest thing I could find to looking like a robe. I think it will work well.
I'm knitting it in Homespun in black and Edwardian (a kind of marbly black and gray).
Speaking of Edward(ian)--
You know this is coming out soon, right? As you will notice from the picture, the release date is November 20th.
Well, we're going November 19th-- for FREE.
Okay, you can start hating me now. I'm not a huge Twilight fan (I enjoyed the first movie thought, so I wanna see this one), but Ryn is, so for her, we waited in line at a Blockbuster Video store for three hours for free tickets. Little did we know that we got two tickets each, so Stu and I can have some friends along too.
Ryn waiting in line for free New Moon tickets.
Here I am waiting in line for free New Moon tickets-- knitting, of course.
It was a pleasant enough experience, less the annoying girl who we found (quite a while after the fact) was not with the people in front of us that she plopped down with and talked to. And, to add insult to injury, annoying talks to everyone girl is joined by her annoying talks to everyone, comments on everything and has a million questions for everyone around her on how this is going to work mother. We found out by the people in front of us that they were not together. We said some things to them, they apparently tattled to store management that we were "harrassing" them, when honestly all we said is that it's not fair that they got in front of other people, us included. Yeah, so the tickets will go to the first 50 people no matter what order they are in and we were only like the 10th person back from the front. But, still, it's little exceptions like this that lead to other big exceptions and that upsets me. Like I said to annoying girl when she said that it doesn't matter what order we're in (which if it doesn't matter, why did they care so much about staying where they were?), "Yeah, because the principle of fairness doesn't matter." Gawd, I hate inconsiderate people!
Speaking of inconsiderate people-- We had some new neighbors move in early in the week, we share one whole side of our townhouse with them and our stairs are on the wall that their stairs are on. They are loud!!! Banging, bumpin, jumping, running up and down the stairs ALL DAY! Yes, they have young children, but please, teach them reverence for cripes sake!!! This started the day they were moving in and hasn't stopped. Apparantly they only speak spanish (or pretend to) because Stu asked them to quiet down the day they moved in and the guy just kept saying, "I dunno..."
We've called the office and security MULTIPLE times with no results. And last night we spoke to a very timid acting security guy. He said that when he went over they were all just sitting there watching a movie. Uh-huh, of course they were, "Okay, kids, sit down and shut up, I gotta answer the door and it's probably someone about all the noise we've been making." Then, while he was standing right there, there was a loud thud and more noise and we were like, "See, they aren't being quiet, you can hear that." Then he said that he'd talk to them and see what they can do. We're pretty sure he just left after that and I have my doubts that he even went over there at all because I heard his car door just before he knocked on our door.
I hope they get themselves evicted, like the last noisy ass people.
Okay, so, miscarriage, lost my job, deal with annoying people at video store for three hours, can find no peace in my own home... life is great, huh? I'm reaching the end of my rope.
(Seriously though, I have a lot to be grateful for, I'm just wondering when all the crap that's being slung at me and causing so much stress lately is gonna stop.)
ANY-WAY! Hope you all had a great weekend and have a great week to come.
Now Playing: Destination Truth on SyFy Rewind Chullachaqui/Bermuda Triangle
Here's my progress on my scarf for the Red Scarf Project this year...
I'd say I'm maybe a quarter of the way done. Looks good, may need some blocking. The seed stitch is a bit fatter than the other sections.
Just one sleeve and a neckline ribbing on mom's sweater and it'll be done! This is what I'm working on today/tonight.
Last night Bruce and Marissa took Stu and I out to Keys On Main. We really enjoyed ourselves. Requesting songs can be expensive and Stu said the drinks were a little steep. Stu paid $20 to stop a song and request his own, but someone else payed one more dollar and stopped his. Bummer. But the piano players were quite entertaining. I'd go again, only have a couple beers and not request any songs.
In other news, I'm still looking for a job. I have been looking for a total of five days. I've gotten no calls on jobs I've applied for, have gotten only one call back from all the staffing companies I've applied for and they also had me come in to register with them. My consultant there says that July and August were dead for them, but it's starting to pick back up. So, I hope something good comes of this one.
Given that I'm not even getting calls yet, I've been getting a little worried and started feeling defeated and stressing out. But, Stu has assured me that we've got enough money and money coming from school refunds and taxes to be okay for a few months. He also said that I've got time to look for something I really want and to quit worrying. I trust him, so I've mellowed a bit.
Stu also told me that in order to keep myself going, it might help to think of my severence pay as being paid for a month to find a job. Plus, the more doors I knock on, the closer I get to a job... "It's all a numbers game.", Stu said. And he's right.
I don't know exactly when we'll be trying for a baby, but we have about 5 more weeks until we can. I would like to wait at least until I'm working, but we'll see.
I just hope this all works out. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Say a little prayer for me (us) please?
I knit a pumpkin hat and orange socks for a co-worker's October baby and she had his pictures taken in them! Cute, huh?
[Photo property of Caron International Yarns.]
I was making this spider (and plan to make the web too) RIGHT before Halloween, but didn't finish in time. So, he'll be for next year's decorations.
Our knit meeting this week was interesting... we had three husbands show up! Stu was there, Bruce tagged along with Marissa and Jessica's husband came with her as well. Stu said he had fun, it was nice.
I'm trying my hand at painting. I'm using craft acrylics, cheap paint brushes and poster board. I'm only a beginner after all and this was stuff I already had on hand. This easel is homemade entirely of cardboard parts and packing tape.
[Clickable for larger view.]
Happy Halloween!
Our family dressed for Halloween! I made the popcorn and Milk Duds costumes.
Ryn in her dead prom queen costume. The red eyes from the flash seemed fitting, so I left them.
I painted my nails black with orange polkadots! (Geez, I wish I could keep my nails long. I've been having a lot of difficulty keeping them from breaking for about the past year. I really miss my long nails. *sad face*)
Bruce and Marissa came over Halloween night and brought some huge pizza from The Pie. Stu and Bruce played some role-play board games while Marissa and I baked and decorated sugar cookies with candy melts and watched Ghostbusters, then The Nightmare Before Christmas.
I made this Joker cookie espeically for Stu... he didn't understand what it was!
We did have a Happy Halloween. But, on a sadder note...
I was laid off from my job Wednesday. I never saw it coming... it bites. I thought everything was okay considering that my boss had always said it was great that we were doing good enough to not have to be letting people go, like so many other places have to. I knew things were tight, but I had no idea they were that bad. Another lady got laid off too.
We just had a miscarriage and are trying to start a family-- and now this. I'm trying to put a positive spin on this and actually look forward to some new opportunities. We also do have some options with health insurance that will be good for when I become pregnant, even if it's very soon.
It just would have been nice if I could have kept the same job until Stu graduated college and started working next summer. That would've been very favorable considering that I'd already been there three years and that would have given me some good perks with insurance and maternity leave.
I also got a month's worth of regular pay as severance, so we'll be okay financially. I don't see it taking a month for me to find work again. The only thing that's really bad about this is the fact that I thought I had a stable job, but out of nowhere had the rug pulled out from under me. That's causes very desperate feelings. Plus, I really don't enjoy job interviews, but who does? Haha.
I'm a 35 year old with a yarn addiction. I'm married to the most wonderful man a girl could ask for. I have a teenage step-daughter and now my own little baby peanut.