You Didn't Have To Be So Nice
by The Lovin' Spoonful

We had a mini baby shower at our knit meeting this week. Jessica is expecting her first baby at the end of this month.
I designed this cake for the baby shower. I actually got the idea from the knitting book Itty Bitty Nursery's Circle's and Stripes Stroller Blanket.

And this little food coloring gnome was around to help me make the cake.

Here's the coffeehouse with the decorations. Peachy brought balloons, Michelle brought the flowers on the table, I brought the cake and Sarah brought (not shown here) plates and forks... and even more table decorations.
And of course, I knit/crocheted things for said baby shower...

A crocheted blanket...

...and a knit headband in matching colors! I just love the puffy petals!
In family news, we registered Ryn for the School of Performing Arts earlier this week, WEEEE!!! Also, Stu's graduation is coming up in June. How exciting!
Until next time...