2. Why do I have ditziness and not the memory capacity I used to?
3. How does this silly government work anyway?
4. Every morning, I put clothes on my naked booty.
5. I consider myself lucky because I have a loving family (mom, dad, siblings, cousins, etc.) and a fantastically wonderful little tribe (Stu and Ryn).
6. One day we’ll see bionic body parts.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a fifteen minute in home walking mile (So, I had pie, okay?!?!), using my new Knit Picks Harmony Options needles and designing That Baby's March themed coaster, tomorrow my plans include going with Stu to the eye Doc for new glasses, looking at a condo clubhouse with mom, dad and Stu for the wedding, maybe looking for a house to rent and going on a secret date with my honey-pie (you'll find out soon enough, it's a surprise) and Sunday, I want to Bake something and take a three hour nap!

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All About Us
by t.A.T.u.