Now Playing:
Ghost Hunters
Judgement Day
So, we all watched about 8 hours of an America's Next Top Model marathon today. Yes, even Stu got sucked in. "I could be killing people* but I'm sucked in by this f***ing show!" Ahaha! That man sure makes me laugh.
*He's referring to an online war/fantasy type game.
We also have our second ultrasound coming up this Thursday. Gawd I'm so anxious. I just hope and pray that we'll see a healthy and strong baby in there and that everything is well. I'm dealing with the reality that there may not be a baby, but I'm hoping with everything that I have that there is. Odd that we got attached to the little thing already, isn't it? (Not really.) And sadly, Stu and I don't "feel" like I'm anymore pregnant. Other times I think, "There's gotta be a baby in there. There's just gotta. Otherwise my body wouldn't be acting pregnant still. Right? I mean, I still have my tiny baby bump." I'm so confused. I getting to the point that no matter what's actually going on, I just want to get to the part where I know. This is torture.
Saturday Stu, Ryn and I went to Bruce and Marissa's. Us girls watched movies and Marissa and I crocheted while the boys played a game of World of Warcraft boardgame.
Here's the results of the evening...

Hubby hasn't unpacked his desk coaster yet... so I made him another one. I'm not pushy about water ring prevention or anything.

Also, there seems to be a shortage of coasters in my living room as of late.

In my, as Stu describes it, obsession over something that's not a big deal, I had to make more coasters to protect our crappy tables and desks. Hey, coasters are a good habit! What if we get new funiture someday and nobody is in the habit of using coasters? BAM! Instant expensive crappy furniture. Gawd, I would hope we get new funiture someday in my lifetime, haha!
Have a good week everyone and wish us luck with the baby!