Say It Right
by Nelly Furtado
The following post is just a little update on what I've been up to.
Well, I've been busy making Stu and I's Halloween costumes. Whew, a lot of hours have gone into them! They are a surprise though, so I can only show you a glimpse...

Here's mine, can you guess what it is?

Here's Stu's. Anymore guesses?
I've also been doing some knitting & crocheting...

Oh, this is a fun game! Can you guess what this is? No? Oh, you don't like this game anymore? Fine...

It's my scarf for this year's Red Scarf Project! I LOVE that this scarf has different textures and I love each of them. I took out one texture in the pattern, it was too bulky, made the sides of the scarf bow out and the way I was doing it just looked like it didn't belong. The free pattern is called The Road Scarf and you can find it here. (Registration required, but free.)
Thanks to Jennifer at my knit meeting for donating yarn so our group could do some scarves this year! ♥

I've done the last coaster in a year of coasters for my niece. It was a great creative journey and I'm pretty proud of myself. You can find the free pattern for this coaster here.
My cousin, Peachy, even suggested that I incorporate all the coasters I've made for Danika into a blanket somehow so she can still use them and treasure them when she is older. Plus, that way, she could keep them all together effortlessly, haha.
Story behind the themed coasters here.

My mom's sweater is almost done, too! Yay! Then we get to go pick out yarn for Stu's bathrobe. Yay!
In other news, I went to the doc on October 12th, she said everything looks good and suggested we wait two menstrual cycles before we try again. This will ensure that my body has healed from the miscarriage and all back to normal. Also, it helps give the couple (and family) time to heal emotionally from the loss before the next pregnancy. She told me that my next period could come between 2 and 6 weeks from the miscarriage. (That could put us trying again in early January at the lastest, ugh.)
She said that everything should go fine the next pregnancy considering why I miscarried (it happens quite often actually) and that the chances of this happening again are significantly lower. Nice. She also kind of said (under her breath) that it wouldn't be a big deal if I got pregnant before two cycles. So, I asked Stu if we could wait just one cycle, he said it's a good idea to wait and take advantage of this suggested healing time... he's right. [sigh]
God, I hope my cycle comes fast, that we are able to try by early December and that we're pregnant before we know it. I've been waiting a long time already to get married and have babies, so having to wait even longer to get there is difficult.
Wish us luck and tell my body to hurry up with the regular functions! Haha!
Okay, I think I'm done... I need some cold pizza lunch and maybe a nap? Nah, lunch, knitting, more coffee and a movie! Yes, sir, that's what I need on this cold, rainy Saturday.