I bought some cotton yarn to start crocheting a mermaid tail for Morgana. She keeps telling me, "Mama, I want a mermaid tail." So sweet, I can't resist that request. I also got some Sally Hansen Insta-Dri top coat. I've heard it's comparable to Seche Vite (the best top coat in the world). I can't always afford Seche, so I thought I'd give this drugstore version a try. Lastly, I got some coconut oil to use on my hair, nails/cuticles and feet. It has no smell, so I texted my friend, Sarah, about it. She said it's only cooking grade and won't have the same health benefits of other coconut oils. I'm still gonna try it though. Anyone ever tried this brand of coconut oil as a beauty product? What did you think of it?

For dinner, I made BUBBLE PIZZA! Saw it on Pinterest. It wasn't as good as I would have liked. I think it was just that the pizza sauce I bought wasn't to my liking as far as taste. My husband, on the other hand, loved it.

I painted Kate's toes tonight. I painted Morgana's finger and toenails, too, but accidentally deleted the picture- Doh!
So, Morgana (under a deal between her and Stu), got to wear big girl panties for 15 minutes today, because she went potty before dinner-time. She was excited. Stu and I both let her know how important it was to tell us if she had to go potty while wearing her panties. So, every minute, she was like, "Mama! I needa go potty!" "Mama! I needa go peepee!" So, I took her to the potty 2 or 3 times. She never went though. I'd rather she tell me when she doesn't have to than not tell me when she does.
Kate observed Morgana's entire bedtime routine tonight as Stu and I have a wedding reception to go to Saturday that starts at 7 pm, the same time Morgana starts getting ready for bed. So, Kate is learning Morgana's bedtime routine so she can put her to bed while she babysits on Saturday.
Oh, and I don't know if I mentioned it to my blog readers, but back in March, Stu made me a lasik surgery screening appointment for my birthday. We set the appointment in July, then we had to pay some big medical bills recently, so we are waiting to see if we have enough in our health savings to pay for the surgery. I'm so excited! And I really hope that I can still get it because my brown, plastic framed glasses just broke in half on Friday when I went to go clean them. So, I'm down to one pair of glasses. Those were my favorite pair, plus, my eye doctors have always recommended having at least two pairs of glasses in case something happens to one pair. This is a must when you are as blind as me. I can't see clearly past, literally, 6 inches in front of my face.
Welp! I'ma go watch Star Trek with Hubbykins and crochet on Morgana's mermaid tail and probably watch an episode of Angel before I go to bed. I'm almost caught up to where I'm at watching Buffy! Only four more episodes!
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