So, I started crocheting Morgana's mermaid tail last night. Used up the whole ball of yarn that I got in one night. Now I have to wait until Sunday to get another ball. Booooooo! I'm so excited to make it that waiting is going to be hard.

Here's some more sprouts from our garden. I think-- I think these are the cucumbers... and not weeds... I hope. They don't look like any of the other weed sprouts coming back up. We planted mint today.

Made banana bread today.............. That's all I have to say about that......... Oh, and that it's delicious, as always.

I forgot to post this picture on Sunday. This is Midnight Blue and Nail Junkie, both by Sinful Colors. GGMa bought them for me when we visited her in St. George. I love them!
I also washed a big box of clothes for Mo that my sister got rid of from her kids. Thank goodness! I'm running out of shirts that fit over Mo's head and cover her belly completely! Luckily, her long pants that she's outgrown can now be capris. She's gotten taller and her head has grown, but all her bottoms still fit her waist and most of her shirts still fit her arms.
Morgana went potty mid-day, so she got to wear her big girl panties for the 15 minutes. She even told me that she had to go potty while wearing them, so we rushed to the potty and she went again! So proud! She went potty again after dinner and asked to wear her big girl panties again. I told her it was okay with me, but she had to ask Daddy. (The deal was anytime she went potty before dinner, she could wear them.) Stu said it was okay, so she wore her big girl panties while we played Go Fish, no accidents.
Stu and I also talked about going to Comi-Con here in Salt Lake City. What days we'd like to go, how to work it out, about taking Morgana along. Jonathan Frakes is going to be there. He played Commander William T. Riker in Star Trek: The Next Generation. I would really like to meet him. I LOVED that series in High School! Also, you may or may not know that Stu and I have been watching all of the Star Trek series and movies together for several years. We're watching Enterprise now.
I did some typing on GGMa's journals and tried to catch up on folding laundry.
Tonight, I'd like to finish that folding, knit and watch some Angel.
1 comment:
Mermaid tails are a popular choice for little girls who want to dress up as their favorite aquatic creature. There are many different styles and colors of mermaid tails available, so it's easy to find one that's perfect for your child. Mermaid tails can be made from a variety of materials, including fabric, latex, and silicone. Here's what you need to know about choosing the right mermaid tail for your child.
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