
One of my favorite snacks: 1/2 cup plain yogurt and a tablespoon of honey.

Found this dead, half covered (wasp?) thing in my garden dirt. When I was pulling weeds, I found a lot of red cacoon things. I think this was what was inside. (Shudder.)

Here's what the garden looks like so far. Coming along nicely. We're starting to get raspberries on our raspberry bush as well.

All my garden babies. I think the carrots just sprouted a couple days ago too! =D

I made Morgana and I tuna melts for dinner on a night that Stu and Kate were both gone. I love them! Morgana does not.

For Father's Day breakfast I made apple-bacon, cream cheese "stuffed" french toast. So good!

My little blonde beach babe ready for fun in the sun at Nana and Papa's pool on Father's Day. Yes, she's wearing flip flops with no heel straps. Since she's my kid, she's required to learn how to wear flip flops early!

Momo's pretty ring. She loves jewelry. This is actually an adult toe ring, haha.

Someone got some big girl panties today! Picked them out herself.

Morgana helped set the table for dinner tonight. She did the plates, forks and glasses. She was so exicted to learn and help.

Here's my progress on the mermaid tail I'm crocheting for Morgana. I was finally able to get another ball of yarn for it today. Hopefully, I'll only need one more ball after this to complete the whole costume. I'm even going to crochet her a shell top.

This week's manicure. Essie Brownie Points with some sorry lookin' flowers and dots.

Here's my manicure at day 4. Not too shabby for Amber. There's a youtube channel called Love4Nails and she has the best advice for nails! Sealing the free edge, top coat touch-ups, cuticle clean ups (when the polish or top coat start lifting near the cuticle) and wearing cleaning gloves (to clean and even while loading the dishwasher) have been my saving graces. And now that all my acrylic damage is grown out, I get to put Love4Nails's nail care to the test and see if I can have broken nails less often. She said in one of her videos that she only broke three nails over the past year! I gotta get in on that!
Hmmm, didn't do much else besides grocery shopping today. Well, I did water the garden. Anyway, hope you all had a great weekend!
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